Monday, August 10, 2009


I am home . . . and while I don't think I can be very far from a toilet for a bit, that is much easier in the US.

After falling into an unconscious state for five hours, I gathered myself, put on some SHOES (only had damn sandals for three weeks . . . I'm such a dumb a$$), and drove to Taco Bell. Such a weird almost disconcerting feeling being the only car on the road at 10 pm. Where are all the people in case I fall in a hole? But there are no giant random holes here and the roads are well lit and I'm only going to Taco Bell.

I immediately convert my total into rupees, thinking that 1450 rupees is an outrageous price for dinner, especially without three courses. The women in the drive-thru are confused by my hands and think I have wicked tattoos. I have forgotten about the Mendi and then have to try to explain it . . . which is ironically much like the scenes from the last three weeks where everyone looked at me mystified. They finally get that the marks are temporary ("but they look so real!") and off I go again into the empty streets. The whole food run took maybe 10 minutes, instead of the usual three hours that has been my life for three weeks. And I didn't even have to ask for the bill.

I have to fall unconscious again. Maybe I will get some pictures up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, you're home!!