Sunday, March 09, 2008

But it IS at the Mall

Princess says she scored "above average" without the scoring of the writing section. Considering that she is a former English teacher, I'm thinking that her writing section might be okay. That and I have actually read her writing.

We went to the Capital Grille to celebrate, which I was very hesitant about . . . because 1. I was in jeans . . . and 2. it's the Capital Grille . . .

When I worked at the restaurant, back what seems like long ago, we all aspired to work someplace like the Capital Grille. And our restaurant had a dress code. Well, in the fact that Chris would want us to kick out any man in a tank top. No wife beaters. On men. The women could come naked if they wanted to. But we didn't want to see any man hair while people were trying to eat. Caused a lot of fights and arguments, actually. Amazing how many men want to wear those things out. Anyhow, the Capital Grille was like the land of milk and honey . . . the land of corporate sponsorship . . . lots of business dinners. Business dinner = not really their money = big tip.

And as it turns out, you CAN go to the Capital Grille in jeans. Probably only during lunch, but as Princess pointed out, it IS a restaurant in a MALL. Geez. I should be able to bring my own moonshine and pets. We had a very nice bottle of French wine and a nice lunch . . . and Princess treated, so I should go buy her another nice bottle of French wine. And the CG is much more reasonable for lunch. I would take my mother, if she liked such things. I shall consider meeting Mr. Crabbypants there on some afternoon when we are both off. Or when I'm off . . . because he can go to lunch where he works. Unlike teachers. Would be a very good Daddy/daughter afternoon.

So quite the adventure. And Princess bought very nice earrings from "our guy" at Tiffany's. Congratulations. I told you it would be no big deal. And you already have your dissertation planned. Soon, we'll have to call her Dr. Princess.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a pattern you would like!

iamthanu said...

Hee hee . . . definitely a pattern I would like. Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

As always, good times:) Thanks for hanging out with me! By the way my Dad loved the glasses and the decanter too.