Saturday, March 08, 2008

Yeah, I Know . . . It Doesn't Seem Like I'm Listening

Sometimes, even though it's the worst idea in the world, you just have to roll with it . . . because something in your gut tells you to.

And, quite frankly, there has always been a positive outcome to the WORST of ideas. It may have taken a while for them to bloom, but they still made me a better person.

And I know I bitch a lot . . . and no one wants me to get hurt. I don't want to get hurt. I'm really kinda ugly when I cry. My mouth does funny things and I get all puffy. Not attractive.

Random thought: Princess is taking her GRE today . . . so let's all send a positive thought to her, or two. Especially for the math section. I know she'll be fine, but she was a little stressed about it. Go Princess! Kill that vocabulary!

Okay. I'm going to go to the D and hang with my brother. And maybe I'll go grocery shopping. There will probably be a trip to Habermas to look for sock monkey eyes. I'll check my stash but I don't think I have any green.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is the update from Princess? And how long before the results? :)