Thursday, August 07, 2008


I'm going out with the girls tonight for absinthe.

As I explained this to my mother . . . "Absinthe . . . you know absinthe? Green fairies? Van Gogh went insane? Absinthe? Just recently became legal again?" To which my mother replied, "Why would you want to drink that? Probably tastes awful."

And yes, it probably does taste awful. But I haven't met a bad idea that I didn't like. So absinthe drinking it is . . .

Today I melted my brain on MTV. And yesterday they finally voted off one of those two girls on Project Runway. The ones that I could not tell apart. LeAnn stayed. Jennifer was judged off. I no longer have to think, which long haired dowdy girl with glasses is that? And now, in addition to watching "Arrested Development", my television education is being expanded with "Venture Brothers". I can't wait to get "Pushing Daisies" and make SM watch them "only when I'm there". I could have been through all three seasons of "Arrested Development" by now. I have nothing to do. Excuse me, I have lots to do . . . I have very unstructured time.

I am waining toward vampire time. Again. So finally it is summer like it should be. No doctors appointments. My fill of MTV and it's "Sweet 16 Bling Countdown" to remind me how stupid the world is . . . bike rides to Royal Oak for coffee.

Just have to paint my dining room before the Woodward Cruise.


David Dust said...

I don't watch MTV - but I LOVE Project Runway...

CLICK HERE for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.


Anonymous said...

Where are you Dark Princess? I miss your blogs.