Monday, August 04, 2008

Sunday Dinner

I made dinner last night. And it was complimented.

Went bike riding at Stoney Creek Metro Park, which kicked my a$$. The trails are well marked -- green for "beginner", blue for "more difficult" and black for "OMG I'm going to die". It is not single track (trails that go in a big circle and end where they begin, which is handy if you don't know the trails) and SM has been a couple of times but not enough to know the trails well. So there was some Emily walking up steep hills . . . I get to the point that I cannot climb anymore. I'm good with downhill (I know, who isn't? But it's sometimes hard to stay on your bike) but I am still working on the uphill climbs. Part of it is getting enough momentum and know how and when to shift gears. But most of it is having the strength and endurance. SM is very patient, even though I tell him that he can go ride ahead to his heart's content.

Made it home without needing to be airlifted . . . SM dug out one of the ugly laundry line holders in my backyard and started trimming. He's really skillful. He knows how to trim without killing the plants and seems to really like grooming my backyard thicket.

So I had a little steak that I picked up from Holiday Market, a sirloin medallion that I figured would be perfect for me with a bit left over . . . but with enough vegetables really it would work with two people. Made grilled red onion and some asparagus. Boiled some new potatoes and had to break out the cookbook for those (how long do you boil potatoes?) . . . tossed them with a little butter and some fresh rosemary. Oh, and sauteed some mushrooms. So it was really simple, other than knowing how to oil the vegetables before I put them on the grill. Am getting better at poking at the steak to see how done it is . . . oh, and had brownies with fresh raspberries for dessert.

So had the ingredients for a whole dinner, in my house, and was able to combine them AND time them to make a full dinner. Was told that everything was good! "Well, I'm kinda a picky eater and I liked everything" Not that I want my status of worst cook in the family to change . . . I don't want to take on Thanksgiving dinner or anything.


Anonymous said...

Watch Out...She will read this and you will get more dishes than you will ever hopes that you will invite the clan over for T. Giving.

Anonymous said...

I have seen the kitchen. There is no room for anything else!