Friday, December 05, 2008


I was an early adopter . . . I just didn't do anything with it.

But now, the Spider Monkey is addicted to Facebook. "Hmmm" I said. "I think I have a Facebook account." And now I am guilty of causing others to use their Facebook accounts. Other people who also had lives before I made them friends and wrote on their "walls". I'm so ashamed.

And I have to log in and check it everyday. And there is this feed of what everyone said . . . to anyone and everyone else. Like peeping into other computers, but it's okay because everyone is your friend, right? Maddening. And yet, so irresistible.

So I'm on Facebook. My picture isn't. My friends are very screened. And now I need to clean something . . . because the voyeurism is making me feel all dirty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much more personal than blogging ? as you actually "know" the audience? Maybe?
Hi from Ulm, DE!