Thursday, December 18, 2008


Okay . . . so I'm knitting like some sort of deranged elf slave . . . and I just obsessively drove to three different places to look for new lights for my tree . . . and two places for a Mr. Crabbypants gift . . . and I needed to go to the other "side" of the mall but just couldn't bring myself to do that . . . I have all weekend, right? . . . except for all the time that I have other stuff to do this weekend . . . like kidnapping my mother's embroidery machine . . . and I bought the Christmas CD sung by Kristen Chenoweth . . . thus being more like my father than I'd like to admit . . . and quite frankly . . .

if you won't tell anybody . . .

I would really, really like a snow day tomorrow . . .


Anonymous said...

Kidnapping is a federal offense.
A business arrangement can be made however.

Anonymous said...

SNOW DAY........what else is there to say? :)

iamthanu said...

Kidnapping is a federal offense when the thing in question is animate. As fond as you are of your new sewing robot, I do not see it as a sentient being.

And yes, there needs to be some arranging. I have a pile.