Friday, July 15, 2005

Get off the couch campaign

So yesterday started okay . . . until the hatemail, so then I just sat in the comfy chair and knit. The only thing I managed to accomplish was hanging the stemware hanger that I bought last year at IKEA. Oh, and dyeing my hair, but that's an every fourth day thing. So my stemware is hung . . . and you wouldn't think I have alot but I do. The only place in the kitchen to hang this thing was next to the stove and above the toaster and, yes . . . I have thought to myself that I shouldn't be storing glass above the toaster but . . . I can't hang it on the ceiling (can't reach glasses) and I don't usually use the toaster for anything. It's not like the glasses are two inches from the toaster.

I'm going to the foot doctor today. I hope he doesn't find anything shocking . . . like the foreign body in my sinus (I wonder how much I'm will have to pay to get the picture of that). And I don't really like the idea of shots to my feet (my mom: oh yeah, they could just give you a cortizone shot for that).

So I must accomplish more things today. One of my former students JUST called for a letter of recommendation, so there's that to do. I don't know why I'm shying away from the painting of walls . . . I love to paint. But I sit and think . . . oh, shit, I would have to get out all the stuff and find the goggles so I can wash the walls . . . and oh, The Daily Show is on and that leads into that Southern Lady who cooks and I really want to finish this sweater. So I must think about the question for the first day of school: What'd you do all summer? Cause "I sat around and watched John Stewart" (though he is dreamy) will not cut it.

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