Friday, April 21, 2006

It's Here

Despite the fact that I always tell the internet my birthday is on the 27th . . . it's here. I'm 35.

Of course, I'm going to tell everyone I'm 28. So this is "thirtysomething". It helps that I had a good time on my date yesterday . . . I haven't freaked out yet. Well, except for that projectile vomiting, being hung over for two days thing. And I guess I'm okay with being a whole Melissa-Ellen combo but I would really like Hope's house . . . and Michael Steadman.

Now that anyone under 35 has no idea what I'm talking about . . . I have the very big plans of going to the Secretary of State and the allergist. Maybe to Somerset for some shopping.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday:)
Just for the record. I am 32 and have seen every episode of Thirtysomething. They used to replay it on Lifetime! Like I said before I am an old soul.
Say a prayer for Penny:) Or whatever it is that you do (perhaps an incantation?)
Later tater and enjoy the B-day!

Anonymous said...

I do not have any idea what you are talking about and I am not in the under 35 category. However, it is your birthday and you are allowed to say whatever you want. :) I hope that Penny is doing well.