Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thou Shalt Go to Level Three

Today was my first day in Pilates "Level Three" . . . and the back of my head is sweaty and I think I found new muscles in my back, one of which has just seized up as I am typing this. I didn't ask to move to level three, perfectly content to linger in level two. Level two was challenging. But evidently, the instructor decides . . .

So now I am doing more moves balanced on my butt with my arms and legs in the air like a wedge. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE jackknife and all the circus-ey moves . . . and I do admit that my "core muscles" seems a bit stronger. And the move called hundreds IS easier but shhhh don't tell anyone or they might make it a hundred and fifty.

I still hate push ups. So much so that I may have to start practicing them at home, so they don't hurt so much during class. And mine are really "hold ups" anyhow because I rarely go up and down. How I miss "girl push ups". I think the FBI only requires you to do, like, six to get in and I now, well, hold for at least eighteen.

I have to go shower (because again, the back of my head is sweaty) and then go to Walmart to get soap for a birthday present -- I'm really hoping the recipient doesn't read this -- and yes, I do realize that I could not shower and wear this spandex and fit in at Walmart. But I'm still going to shower.

Anyone want to go to Matthew Good next week? To catch my drool?


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the level threeness :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Time Bomb, I'm ready to go off

iamthanu said...

Hmmmm. . . someone commenting that actually knows Matthew Good lyrics . . . so thanks, Mere.

And yeah, I have to skip Pilates to go to Matthew Good, so maybe I'll be downgraded for being absent. And just when level two was getting warm and soft.