Saturday, December 13, 2008


My sister complained on Facebook that her siblings had not given a clue about their wish lists. I will point out that I have an Amazon wishlist, but I don't really keep it all that updated. And it's mostly for when I have disposable income and have to remember "oh yeah, I really wanted _______."

So for my sister:

a red cashmere sweater

home depot gift certificate

new duvet cover

that scent sampler from Sephora . . . has ten different perfumes and a gift certificate for a big one once you decide . . . really I just think it's cool

perfume from that place in Paris . . . they have a website

a good referral for someone to refinish my floors

something pursey . . . you know how I like handbags

a trendy cookbook . . . something like "Baked"


a gift certificate for a massage

wine glasses

booze . . . you could get me booze

Cold War Kids . . . it's a band, Dad . . . not really kids

Truthfully, it's hard because I don't NEED anything. And I feel really ungrateful for making a list. And publishing it. If I were a better person, I would say make a donation to . . . well, someplace nice . . . the Michigan Humane Society.

Or snowboard lessons. No. Think of the kitties . . . the cute cute kitties.


Anonymous said...

Belle de Nuit?

Anonymous said...

never mind...I have a better gift - and it is not really on your list either! Thanks for helping me get my brain moving again...MT