Sunday, December 07, 2008

There was Something Mentioned about a Colon

So I managed to do everything I wanted to do yesterday . . . hairs are a different color, cat was fed, Noel Night was attended, dinner was eaten, and shadow art fair was attended. Spider Monkey was called into work today, so I am grappling with a large block of unplanned time.

Should I go Christmas shopping? Take down the ceiling fan? Move a bunch of stuff (old Fisher Price toys . . . no, my mother lovingly saved them . . . I can't give them away) up to the attic storage space that I found one night while looking for vermin? (Who knew that my humidifier makes scritching noises if you set it on high?) Wash some walls? Go to IKEA to get some window treatments? Have a cocktail? Do some laundry? Go to Nepal? The possibilities are endless.

Right now, in my very warm Mom-ish looking sweater, I have to go fill up my tires. I hate paying for air. Or more correctly, I hate paying for someone to compress air so I can put it in my tires. For 50 cents, a little man should come out and fill my tires for me. And then I think I will go to Coney Island and then . . . ooooooh, Trader Joes. Haven't been there in months.

Yay! Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. I have been chained to my computer for about 24 hours!!! I am so sick of school!!!
- Princess

hud said...

The gas station on the corner of 11 Mile and Woodward has FREE air.

Anonymous said...

If you go to discount tire, the little man does put air in your tires---and dispite what Mr. cp says, you do not have to go at 6:30 a.m.!!