Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blue is Good

"So would like to interview the new art teacher? Oh, and the new English teacher?"

"Wha- Yeah . . . I suppose I could get a wig . . . I'd love to be on the interview committee."

(rational brain is now bouncing about, quivering, trying to stop mouth . . . but now you have to explain the wig comment)


"Well . . . umm . . . I'm dieing my hair blue as soon as school gets out. And blue hair. It's not so good for interviewing."

(What the hell? Did I just say that?)

"Blue? {pause} I like blue. Blue is good."

"Yeah, they were pretty upset about my other hair. Blue is good, just not for interviewing. I'll get a wig. It's no problem."

"Other hair?"

"My red hair. They really didn't like it. They still talk about it. So blue . . . yeah, I know a really good wig shop at Northland. I'll get a nice black pageboy."

(the rational part of my brain is now trying to remove itself from my body, maybe to possibly find a smarter one . . . it keeps poking and screaming STOP STOP STOP TALKING . . . which didn't work . . . black pageboy it is . . . )

(I really wish I had a tape recorder . . . for when my boss says things like "blue is good".)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blue is good. :) I hope all is well and for Amanda too!