Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Mob Manners

Not me: So do you think they'd let me bring a pitchfork? What if I filed down the ends? Cause I'd really like to bring a pitchfork.

Me: So would we all have to have pitchforks?

Not me: You could bring whatever tool you wanted. But what do you start a mob with? I think a pitchfork.

Me: Why a pitchfork? How about clubs? Or torches?

Not me: Because I want to put her on there, like a kabob.

(when kabob was mentioned, I could NOT stop laughing and giggled for about five minutes. maybe it's because I had kabobs at Princess' house on Sunday. don't know.) (and before you contact the authorities, we are most likely NOT going to start a mob) (most likely) (definitely probably not)


Anonymous said...

Not me sounds pretty not smart :)

hud said...

I dunno...I'm kinda partial to this here scythe...

iamthanu said...

Hey! That's what I said!