Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Just a Little Black Rain Cloud . . . Edit

Freaking out about things I cannot control:

I think I have MRSA . . . I thought originally that it was a spider bite but am now coming to the realization that something is terribly wrong. And getting an appointment with a dermatologist during the summer? Well, I'm finding it a lot like dating in your late thirties. I probably should just go to the emergency room, but I finally have an appointment at 1:30 tomorrow with a doctor that is farther away than I'd like.

My brain is on "what-if" overload . . . plus "you should've" looping . . . and there is no point. What will happen, will happen. So no use in "going to happen". And certainly no use in the Crabbypants pessimism that my brain seems to enjoy. This happens once a month. Go clean your dining room. If he likes some other woman . . . well . . . you found this one, you will find another . . . get over your trust issues . . .

Interesting that I can get this worked up in less that 48 hours. It is getting my dining room cleaned however.Oh, and the MRSA thing? It really hurts.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

No Really, It was Tasty

Last night (and yesterday, I guess, there was some prep) I made flank steak with chimichurri sauce, roasted sweet potatoes and green beans with blue cheese. Served with a rather good bottle of wine, considering what I paid for it.

AND I didn't follow the recipe for the chimichurri sauce . . . I kind of combined three, as all the recipes I looked at were completely different so I figured that it didn't really matter.

I ended up with . . .

one cup cilantro (packed) from my front porch . . . I mostly took out the stems, which I didn't really have to do
2 cloves of garlic, minced . . . the least amount in any of the recipes I looked at . . . one had 8 to 10 heads . . . not cloves, heads
6 tablespoons and a splash balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
some pepper . . . looked like a half teaspoon
some red pepper flakes . . . was shooting for 3/4 of a teaspoon
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

It was enough to marinate the steak and still have some left over in a custard cup. Very tangy. The sweet potato I "brushed" with olive oil (dumped in a bowl and tossed) and then sprinkled with salt and pepper. I think one of the vegetables I bought, thinking it was a sweet potato was actually jicama, as it looked exactly like a yam until I cut it . . . and then it was white. I cooked it anyway, thinking that I had green beans as a backup. And we threw away most of the white stuff (SM doesn't like sweet potatoes anyhow, so it was just enough). The green beans I steamed and then mixed with butter and lime juice, with blue cheese crumbles on the side. The wine was Columbia Crest, Two Vines, Vineyard 10 from Washington State, which I believe I paid under $10.00 for at the Holiday Markup.

And it was a very "homemaker"y day . . . got up early, made the sauce . . . did laundry, made an apron, watched Martha Stewart while sewing, vacuumed, cleaned the tub, made some more food and had to time everything to 7 pm.

And after dinner . . . SM was bemused by the fact that I was excited that I had made a whole dinner that was somewhat edible, if not tasty.

I so want a dishwasher and a dining room now.

Oh, and a moth flew out of my closet and now I'm panicking about all things yarn related. May have to freeze everything . . . which will mean that I have to go out and buy a freezer.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Day Eight

I was going to ride my bike to lunch . . . earlier but I got distracted by the new David Sedaris book that threw me down on the couch and made me read it. And now it is "scattered thunderstorm"ing, which doesn't look all that scattered on the radar map.

And this whole everybody is working, or on their honeymoon, or in G.R. thing is kinda sucky. I haven't talked to SM in two whole days and there is so much to tell . . . going to Sonic and the inside of my jeep getting all wet, the Capital Grille, the family pictures (which did turn out swell . . . been thinking of posting one or two . . . have a whole CD . . . and it seems so naughty and illegal and all) and I have to remind myself that just recently I did not talk to SM for a whole ten days and I did not turn to dust. Or lose my mind. Or anything of that sort.

So I have to go eat something . . . and then I have to go to the store and get things, so that I do not have to leave the house to eat when it is raining. Such burdens I have.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

It's my parents' fortieth wedding anniversary today . . .

And I personally think that ANYONE who can make it work with another person for forty years deserves our respect and admiration.

Heck, I was with all of my family for 16 hours and granted, on a full night of sleep I would probably been fine, but there was a point that I was going to kill my sister . . . and other points where I wanted to kill my youngest brother. So for forty years my parents have been together AND dealt with the four of us knuckleheads.

And there has been no killing.

So congratulations to my parents. Let's hope for forty more.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer Day Four

Am up again at 6:30 . . . and will try to stay up.

Find wedding gift for Mary. Get wrapped if possible.
Find Damn family shirt. Perhaps mother has it. I couldn't have throw it out.
Go get manicure and pedicure at new place. Douglas J Aveda institute. Liked the fact that it's a snazzy cosmetology school . . . don't like the fact that their menu is confusing. Am I getting the "focus" pedicure or the "elemental"? Why is the combo deal more than the items individually?
Pick up prodigal son from airport. Give him Neon. Plan lunch for tomorrow.
Find time to pick up prodigal son.
Find YMCA card.
Pick an outfit for family picture. (every time I say that I think of the twiddlebugs and "THE FAMILY CAR!)
Find shoes, purse and underthings to go with dress for wedding.
Redo hair.

Now must shower and find coffee.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On the Third Day of Summer . . .

Pilates in the morning. I showed up for the wrong class. My class is at 9:15 a.m. and I barely made the 10 a.m. class. Wednesday mornings are not going to be fun.

Came up and got my bike. Biked to the Starbucks next to the allergist's office and then went and got my shots. Rode to downtown Birmingham and realized several things. 1. There are NO bike racks in B'ham. Even at the bike shop, which of course, I pointed out to them.

"You have no bike rack."
"What? No. We don't have a bike rack. Not outside. No."
"But you are a bike store."
"I rode my bike here. Don't you see the irony?"

I don't think he got it, or appreciated the line of questioning.

2. Everything has either closed or moved to not Birmingham. Perhaps it's the economy. Perhaps people drove the rents up too high. Don't know. But there is no place to shop.
3. No one looks for bikes. My mother was right. I do need to wear a helmet. At one point I screamed in sheer terror as a Ford truck decided to back into me. I need to buy a cooler helmet. With stickers or something.

Now I am very hungry.

And I have no idea where that damn family shirt is . . .

Second Day of Summer

Cleaned the gutters and mowed the lawn.

Shared some nachos with QO and pawned off some herbs on him. Now someone else must find things to do with basil. Mu hahahaha. (it's supposed to be an evil laugh, mom)

SM doesn't own a drill?

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Day of Summer

First day of summer . . .

I awoke at 6:47 am to the sound of diggers. They were moving rocks today so the soft sounds of a granite avalanche was my morning greeting. Luckily, I managed to go back to sleep.

Got up around 9:30 after watching some morning news . . . an interview with Tim Russert's son. Perused the internet and for some cilantro recipes. Salad Dressing and fajita marinade . . . that's all cilantro makes. And I have bunches of it. So if anyone wants/needs/desires cilantro OR basil (I have a lot of basil) come get some from my porch. I'll just assume the rabbits ate it. Little patience problem with the growing things from seeds . . . I planted a bunch . . . and waited . . . and assumed they were dead. So then I bought a bunch of herbs when I went to flower day. Now . . . too many herbs. Herbs all over the place.

Biked to Royal Oak, had coffee, read the paper and then went shopping for hair dye. There were an amazing amount of people in Noir Leather for a Monday morning(ish) . . . an older man that kept coming in and out . . . a hetero couple looking at boots . . . a male couple trying on skirts . . . more people than I've seen in Noir in twenty years. AND the salesperson was helpful, friendly, and even smiled. It was like I was in a time warp. Went with Special Effects "devilish" for the "patch" as Princess has named it.

Then did general shopping . . . Lotus, American Apparel (do I really want to pay $40 for this cotton skirt?), the shoe stores, Poppy beauty bar (going out of business . . . everything 40% off). I made an appointment at Douglas J, just to try it out. Really wondered why they were having a gay pride festival on a Monday. Turns out they were filming a movie. And I missed it.

Biked to Habermans and picked out all the patterns I want to make. Then went to Holiday. Shopping on a bike is hard because you have to select things carefully. Holiday Mark-up does have a bike rack, however. And turns out they still have me on record, so I don't need a holiday card . . . thank goodness for phone numbers that you can keep forever.

Went to SM's to make dinner and watch Antiques Roadshow. Dinner seemed to take a long time . . . and I made mojitos while realizing that everything I really needed to make mojitos (muddler, lime squeezer) was in the pile of "Emily droppings" that had to go with me the last time I was over at SM's.

All in all, a great day.

Monday, June 09, 2008

So Much to Not Talk About

Before I get to the theme . . . I will be in a dunk tank tomorrow. No one is sure what time this will happen (otherwise, I would invite all of you) and things are so seemingly disorganized that I'm not sure there will actually be a dunk tank (so . . . do the kids just attack me with squirt guns?) but yes, I volunteered for something. And now, unfortunately, have to do it.

Okay. Now to the "meat" of this blog . . .

I haven't been writing of late. It's not that I don't have things to say. I have plenty o' that. But when splashing your life up on the Internet, you tend to take some people with you. And those people? Most of them don't want their lives splashed on the Internet . . . or they would have blogs themselves. And most people don't really want their lives interpreted by a slightly crazy woman ("You're more kooky? But really, kooky isn't the right word . . .") and then laid out for the world to see.

And the people that I KNOW love me? Well, those are the stories I write about . . . because, while my mother might get a bit miffed, she still has to keep me. And Princess? Perhaps she takes the any publicity is good publicity approach.

But right now, well . . . I'm superstitious about this thing . . . but not everyone appreciates pieces of their lives available to every cpu with a modem in the world. And so things like "great mozzarella debate" go untold . . . because it's too important to me right now.

Okay, I've already said too much.

And so rather than my blogs saying "Ummmmm . . . I made some spicy shrimp today." I've been silent. Although, I was left alone and did make the shrimp too spicy. And I didn't skewer them right. According to my mother, I am the only person in the world who doesn't know that you have to stick TWO skewers through the shrimp. So I reminded her that I was raised by someone with a Master's degree in Food Science, which is why I don't know anything about food. Because she was so sick of food by the time she was done that we only ate cereal . . . and rice. So I only know how to make cereal. Open box. Eat. Close box if you don't want Dad to yell about staleness. Unless it's a cereal that Dad doesn't eat.

Mr. Crabbypants also has this thing about the freshness of saltines . . . but perhaps I will leave that so I will have something to write about tomorrow.

Anyhow. Summer is coming. I don't know how many adventures I can write about. I'll try to come up with something. Maybe I'll turn this into a photo blog or something.

First up . . . pictures of dunk tank.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Six Days

Graduation is over . . . without incident. The crazy parent calls about the yearbook have longer spans between. Summer is almost here.

I'm going to "Senior Party" in an hour. Leave my air conditioned house to go to a large industrial brick heat sink? Of course. I'll take twenty pictures and leave. Shame that I can't ride my bike there.

I have a lot to do in the next six days . . . so much so, that my stomach tightens if I think about it. The clean up has already started at school, but things have gotten out of hand so it may take longer this year. And my house needs work. Weeding and gutter cleaning mostly. But then there are the big projects. Oh, and I broke a window the other day (and my mother is going to read this . . . and is freaking out . . . right about . . . now) so now I need to fix that or get new windows. Or some tape.

I'll probably go with the tape option really.