Saturday, June 07, 2008

Six Days

Graduation is over . . . without incident. The crazy parent calls about the yearbook have longer spans between. Summer is almost here.

I'm going to "Senior Party" in an hour. Leave my air conditioned house to go to a large industrial brick heat sink? Of course. I'll take twenty pictures and leave. Shame that I can't ride my bike there.

I have a lot to do in the next six days . . . so much so, that my stomach tightens if I think about it. The clean up has already started at school, but things have gotten out of hand so it may take longer this year. And my house needs work. Weeding and gutter cleaning mostly. But then there are the big projects. Oh, and I broke a window the other day (and my mother is going to read this . . . and is freaking out . . . right about . . . now) so now I need to fix that or get new windows. Or some tape.

I'll probably go with the tape option really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right. I can only imagine how....but it is a MOM