Friday, February 17, 2006

Failure to take Inventory

So I've been obsessed with two songs today . . . "Perfect Situation" by Weezer and "When the Night Feels My Song" by Bedouin Soundclash. So much so, that I hummed all day and then went to Best Buy to buy them so I could listen to them on the plane.

I couldn't find Bedouin Soundclash and I had the Weezer album in my hand, ready to purchase . . . until Best Buy annoyed me with their ineptness, so I had to turn into Ms. Crabbypants and leave. Not until I made a big dramatic deal of putting the CD in the nearest rack and muttering loud enough for others to hear "Now I remember WHY I don't come to Best Buy . . ." as if someone cared.

So as I'm making my Paris playlist . . . scrolling down my 1674 songs . . . imagine my surprise when I find that I already OWN "When the Night Feels My Song" from a compilation CD. Joy and sadness at the same time . . . joy that I can listen to the song, over and over, until I want to puke when I hear it . . . sadness that I don't even know WHAT I own already. I'm, like, Best Buys wet dream of a consumer, because I would have bought the whole album for that one song . . . that I already have.

Okay, I have to go pack.

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