Tuesday, September 04, 2007

And I Was Going to Lunch

I think my truck is totalled.

I was pulling out of my driveway yesterday and was hit by a Jetta . . . well, I think it was a Jetta. There are pieces of it between the rim and my back tire. It knocked my back window open. And bent the bed back to crush the cab on the opposite side.

I pulled out and then I was moving quickly and then I was looking straight on into traffic.

The maybeit'saJetta didn't look so hot either . . .

So I've been on hold for a total of two and a half hours with the insurance company, although I will say that the woman I talked to was exceedingly nice.

And ironically, this is the truck that I bought because my father wouldn't let me eat lunch . . . smashed trying to go to lunch. And guess what? I didn't get to eat lunch yesterday either.

So that's what I've been up to . . . made the first day of school really, really fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

suggestion for the future: Make lunch a planning priority!!