Saturday, September 08, 2007

Dodge vs. Volkswagon

"Your truck wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

First off, I drive truck. Well, I used to drive a truck. And as trucks go . . . it was a medium-sized truck. And it was hit by a Volkswagon Jetta . . . or Passat . . . or something. And they are not medium-sized. Volkswagon Jettas are small.

So I was not in any real danger. It did get sorta tippy, so maybe if I flipped. And I was wearing my seatbelt. And I have air bags and all that jazz. But no, my truck is not a mangled mess of metal. It's just really, really bent. In ways it is not supposed to be bent.

And thank goodness it was the truck and not my little car, or I would have flipped over and rolled or something. It would have been a fairer fight, let's just say.

And now, I'll just cement my whole backyard and come out going forward. As the cop pointed out, I don't like to mow the lawn anyhow.

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