Thursday, November 01, 2007

Best Line Ever

On Pushing Daisies, a show that I have never watched before:

"Still looking for a man Olive? . . . Because if your belly was full of fish, you wouldn't have to put out so much bait." (looks at cleavage)

It was the only funny line . . . but it was a doozy. Can totally picture my mother saying it. And thought about it as I was dressing for a date, which has now been cancelled. So more fun for me. Think I'll go to the yarn store and then go to bed early. Yay. I love these dates.

(No, seriously . . . I'm not being sarcastic. If I hadn't had a date, I would have stay at school. Now I have time on my hands and can wander aimlessly about. One of my favorite things to do. I might even go to the record store.)

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