Monday, May 02, 2005

Hurts my Head

Listening to the new NIN stuff . . . will have to buy it tomorrow regardless. Teaching Romeo and Juliet and feel like I'm just rambling . . . talked about Guenter today . . . about the classic adolescent theme of doing exactly what your parents tell you not to do. I think the girls got it . . . the boys all looked clueless.

Weird, that time is a world away, but can be pulled up like yesterday in my head. Like going to prom with Stu when I was fifteen . . . I can remember the inside of the car. Being in Thompson's class, practically making out with Todd Schoenburger in Lane Saborin's class (though I don't remember how to spell Lane's name), lying on the berm trying not to get caught by security while coming back from BK. So I describe these things sometimes and my students look at me like I'm older than dirt. In their eyes, I have always been this age . . . always been this dumb. And while I would never go back to that age . . . what an awful time, high school (though middle school topped it) . . . it's still weird being so old to my students.

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