Thursday, May 12, 2005

Pushing four or five at a time

There are certain people in this world who are "button-pushers". They assess another person's quirks and what would annoy them, and then just start pushing for fun. I must admit that I have done it on occasion. My brother J is a master . . . which is mostly why I like him. However, today I dealt two button pushers to the extreme. They are both clever . . . and bothersome in their glee at my annoyance.

The fish killer - evidently there are these fish called "Gobies" which are not natural to Michigan's habitat. So if you find one "you are supposed to kill them". One day this person was describing in detail how he kills these fish for fun. Throwing them against walls, impaling them on sticks, poking their eyeballs out first . . . you get the idea. Upon hearing this, I mentioned that if he was into starting fires or wet the bed that he would have the trifecta. So now he arrives early to talk about Gobies, just to get a reaction. Grins all around.

Why don't you tattoo that on your forehead -- my favorite button pusher went out into the hallway today, after hearing that there was a family of geese in the courtyard. In the camera blindspot, he propped open the door so the geese could come into the school. Soon there was daddy goose in the hallway. Next there was Mr. Goose and forty kids in the hallway. The goose was freaking out and trying to escape but was so upset that he couldn't find the doorway again and kept banging into the windows in vain. He was scared shitless . . . which guess who got to clean up later. I finally herded the goose back outside to his family . . . and herded most of the forty kids back to their respective rooms. "H-bomb" thought this was so funny . . . laughed and laughed. And I have to get him a graduation present in the next week.

I'm thinking something along the lines of a lump of coal, maybe some lint or some empty candy wrappers . . .

They really didn't teach me anything about this in college.

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