Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Perhaps if I offer up a chicken or something . . .

Last Saturday at the Front, M2 reminded us that she was "cursed" and though I disputed this at the time, I think she may have spread it around . . . or it was contagious . . . or something. I had made jokes about white candles and sage sticks but maybe we should do some rituals . . . it couldn't hurt.

It's only Tuesday and I've already had the week that I should have just stayed in bed for . . . full of rotten luck and bad karma. Lost my checkbook (found it again, thankfully), forgot my keys, had a freakshow day at work, I'm P.M.S.ing and there those 48 yearbook pages that I shouldn't care about . . . because it's not MY yearbook. Arrived home today to find my neighbor's ratty car in my driveway, parked so that I could not get into MY driveway. When I talked to him (immediately, of course) after parking down the street (where he could have parked) he was apologetic but just offered to move the car into my driveway MORE. Obviously, I had fallen into my French skills and simply was not speaking English, the language of his homeland . . . wait, I don't know any French . . .

So I left. Just left. Left my driveway and my home . . . and went out to eat. Funny thing is . . . if there is a funny thing about your driveway being held hostage by a beat-up Mercury . . . my neighbor said, "I thought we'd be finished before you got home." As if he intimately knew my schedule. As if I come home at a specific time (never). He thought he had enough time to flatbed the junker van and move the beat-up Mercury back before I got home . . . how sweet. So yeah, he's dead to me . . . no matter how many times he brings up my trash can . . . or snowblows the walks . . . or until at least next week when I'm over it.

So I think I need to do some dancin' with a chicken or somethin' . . . something to break that M2 curse that she's spreading around, willy-nilly. (Now where to find some family chicken for dancing)


Anonymous said...

There is a cure for this--it is called "trespassing"--next time, just call the police! (unless of course you want the junker--then if he moves it farther into your drive, it will be your hostage!! (or junker)...probably better to dial the cops about the trespass!

iamthanu said...

The last time the police were in my driveway, they were here long enough for a smoke break . . . and they put the cigarettes out on my lawn, which offended me terribly for some reason.

As I live on a busy road, with many a speed trap, people sometimes (okay, two times) pull into my driveway as they are pulled over. I don't know if they are trying to look innocent (no, really, we were just coming to Emily's) or what. The smoke break time, they searched the car and all the people in the car. I was held hostage in my house for, like, two hours because who wants to walk into the drug bust in their driveway?

So there will be no calling the police . . . they simply do not have enough to do.