Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Not too Hard . . . Not too Soft

Today was one of those sneaky Michigan days. You stand outside and think to yourself . . . "yeah, maybe the weather isn't so bad." You almost convince yourself that it is nice to live here, that there are perks . . . the perks of spring . . . that certain smelliness, the feel of the air.

But having lived in Michigan for 34 years (I did a 2 year stint in Cleveland, but I don't remember it, so it's okay) I know it's all a sham. We still have at least a month of winter. Today, in it's seventy degree goodness, is just a test of our resolve. A trick. By Friday, it will be all snowy. Or worse, just cold and gray.

I walked to the YMCA tonight. In a light jacket. With sunglasses on. And it was extremely pleasant . . . I wasn't too hot . . . I wasn't too cold . . .

Today, was the Goldilocks of Michigan weather.

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