Tuesday, March 27, 2007


For about two years, I have been very good at work. I try to be even keeled about my opinions. I try to see the other person's point of view. I try to walk around in the other person skin. And if I can't do that, I ignore them . . . in the case of my next door neighbor, specifically.

Today, I spewed. A lot. I told a large-ish group of people exactly what I thought. With detailed examples. If I had charts and graphs, I would have shown those too. And I had a evil glint in my eyes, because it felt soooo good. So enormously, fabulously wonderful to say what I actually had in my head.

I now realize that I participated in exactly what drove me over the edge . . . the no filter edge . . . in the first place. And I feel just a bit of guilt now. A smidge. A "I might not have done that" smidge. And I will try to be better tomorrow. Because you never know who is listening. And you never know truly where people's allegiances lie. In a group, anyhow.

And people should be glad that I have the filter on most of the time.

1 comment:

hud said...
