Thursday, March 31, 2005

What to say . . .

What to say. Went to M's to work out with her and one of her students. I will be feeling it tomorrow but right now I feel really good. Punching people is really tiring though. . . I may not want to take up boxing anytime soon because that is punching until the "round" is over. I think I may like the punching and then running away, or punching until someone is on the ground, or maybe even punching until I am on the ground, better. It was very cool that I got to go have M teach me to punch and kick though.

In continuation with the eharmonizing updates, got matched with this guy who had "if you take drugs, click on the close button below" and thought it was very interesting . . . very cool in fact and was going to "fast track" him so he could hang out with all my drug-free little friends. However, I got home and found that he had already closed me . . . evidently, my photo leads him to believe that I do drugs? Was it the ponytails? Totally his loss, because my friends (and I also) are totally fun but makes me think . . . I'll have to call B and ask him for the male eharmony logic, not that B is ever very logical but he is good for the typical boy stance. So for "R" out there in Dearborn . . . you missed out bub, cause evidently all you meet are druggies (otherwise you wouldn't have found it important enough to put on your profile).

So I need to stare at the television for a while, instead of this monitor, having something fed to my brain instead of thinking.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Eye Candy

So went to see the 'rents today at Stately Wayne Manor. Mom was home because there are "home enhancement" products being put on the house (she made me say that) which was cool. I cat-wrangled for a large part of the afternoon, Mr. Cat being locked in the basement due to the "home enhancement" people walking in and out.

"Catman" does not like the idea of confinement of any sort, so he yowls, cries, hisses, snarls and sticks his little paws underneath the door as if you have just forgotten him or maybe you accidentally closed the door without realizing that he was down in the basement. Short memory, Mr. Cat, since Mom had to physically take him to the basement. So to stop what sounded like kitty torture, I let him out and then followed him around the house making sure that he didn't jump out on the roof or run out an open door (where would he go? the woods? he knows there are raccoons. . . big mean biker-like raccoons, that could kick his ass . . . so he just stays on the porch). Luckily, Mr. Cat's "duvet time" coincided with my "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" time, so we snuggled up on our individual duvets (my parents have separate duvets . . . told you it was "Stately Wayne Manor") and watched the slayer.

The "home enhancement" salesman was there, because they jacked up a bunch of stuff. Now the Mr. Salesguy is cute . . . I mean eye candy cute. So eye candy. Big blue eyes, great smile . . . ultra nice because he is Mr. Salesguy. He starts with "oh, you have spring break this week" which was a good entry, meant he remembered me and vaguely remembered that I did something that would have a spring break . . . like a teacher of sorts. My mom takes him away to point out the problems. Ten minutes later, mom and I are sitting at the kitchen table and Mr. Salesguy/Eye Candy walks in and starts talking about his neck. Now I had noticed his neck was red, but now he's rubbing it and telling us all about how he just had laser hair removal. "Oh", is all I could muster, thinking that it was too much information. He then proceeds to go on about the hair removal . . . how he gets it for free cause his best friend does it for a living, I mean he owns the place and they tested out the equipment on me and this lady kept changing the dial and asking how much it hurt and sometimes you could actually hear a sizzle and they said I could shave today but I don't know . . . Way, way, way, too much information. You cannot maintain eye candy status if you share about the sizzle during your laser hair removal. Cannot happen.

My mother insisted at dinner that Mr. Salesguy had no idea that he was (now formerly) eye candy. I thought that he did know because that would be why he is Mr. Salesguy. Anyway, he totally jacked up the order on my parents stuff, which is really annoying my mother and he is no longer eye candy . . . but he does have a totally red neck. Mental note: free hair removal, bad. sharing about any hair removal in general, really bad. Not realizing that you are eye candy and not real bright (thus screwing up the order), really bad too . . . cause you don't want to deal with my mother annoyed.

Having to call everything "home enhancements" because your mother thinks someone will read this and tell the eye candy . . . priceless.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Almost Dirty

So I just wrote out this post and it disappeared. . . so here I go again. I made the mistake of reading the eharmony old man's propaganda. You know, the one with the glasses who talks on the commercials like a combination of your grandfather and a minister? With the Mister Rodger's haircut and smile. Of course he would help you find your soul-mate (and talk to puppets about manners, but that's another show folks). So I read this Q&A about being too picky and the bad part of my brain says, "hey, you're too picky . . . let's follow his advice" which I should just know to shut down that part of my brain but I don't. So then the next step in eharmony is to "communicate" by picking five of these prefabricated questions. (think prefab houses . . . the questions are about as good) So I send these questions to all my matches on a Monday afternoon . . . despite my resolve to follow the "rules" and let the matches make the first move to overcompensate for my personality profile saying that I am so very assertive.

I found myself wanting to write my own multiple choice question to send to these engineers:

What do you really think about these questions? They are:
a. very informative . . . I can tell a lot about a person simply from the questions they choose.
b. innane . . . really could these questions be any more trite?
c. rockin dude . . . cause then I don't really have to think.
d. expected . . . you are paying to meet people, if you were good at it you wouldn't have to choose questions.

Okay, so the "rockin dude" is not my best work, but the first entry deleted. So I sent off all these questions to these engineers and I realized, despite the fact that some of them are kinda cute, that I really find the whole thing stupid and entertaining all at the same time. Unfortunately, I don't know if any of my matches think the same way because there isn't a prefabricated question for that.

Off to shower and sand my front door.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Now if I could just get pictures on the sides

So I figured out how to post pictures but somehow cannot figure out how to connect them to my profile. No matter, no one sees this anyhow . . . though we did just email a bunch of M's friends that I have not seen in ten years. M's leg didn't look too swollen and she is walking pretty well. She saved the pictures from her surgery of the inside of her knee. They just cut off the jagged part . . . don't know how that will work. Will it grow back? Or did she just not need that much of it? Anyhow, her mother didn't believe that I would be all jazzed about the medical photos.

Evidently, the skull x-rays that were taken last week are mine if I ask for them . . . if the doctor lets me have them, they are definitely getting scanned and posted.

Had tremendous fun with M putting pics on the web. Made dinner (chili) which no one will believe. Almost living like real people. Have so much to do this week: wash walls in entryway, dining room and bathroom with TSP. Would like to get one of those rooms done by the end of the week. Also have to do taxes so I can hopefully afford new windows and a camera. Should probably find another job too, since my boss is making my other boss apologize to me . . . can't be good for office relations.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

what is in Molly's mouth?

molly's new knee. Yippeee!

happy fuzzy kitty hat Posted by Hello

Come pick up the damn chair already

So I'm waiting for Marshall Fields to come and pick up the damaged recliner. This leads me to listen to celebrity poker while meandering around the internet. Finished some eharmony question baloney, simply because M is making me. All of my matches are engineers . . . which intrigues me. I always knew I should have spent more time at the Engineering School at MSU.

I threatened my father with creating a "Mr. Crabbypants" blog with different sayings and pictures from him. Be a challenge to see how many different images I can get of Daddy being Mr. C but last night he was really into the role. He was so good all day too. Maybe I waited too long to feed him. So look for it . . . the official Mr. Crabbypants blog coming soon.

So tonight M and I will figure out how to put pictures on this thing. Nothing too revealing. Just eyes or something. Don't want to make it too easy for the weasels that I taunt.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Lived through this

So conferences are over and there was a large turn out, for me at least. Maybe because I'm teaching a "core subject" instead of an elective. Half day tomorrow and then blessed spring break.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Suck, Sucky, Suck, Suck

My job just sucked today. I don't know why I do anything since they (the anonymous they) just micromanage it and insult my intelligence. I'm tired of the volunteer overtime (I know I get summers off but for the crap I put up with . . . and I was at school until 9 tonight) and the b.s. and my next door neighbor announcing that she's on drugs and she'll be fine in fifteen minutes as soon as the vicodin kicks in . . .

I'm tired of getting lumped in with the other monkeys I work with . . . who I admit are inept but I did not hire them nor did I give them a diploma or any credentials. I'm tired of being labelled "confrontational" just because I don't think it's okay for people to swear at me, especially because I can't swear back. . . or "power hungry" because I won't be talked down to by a boss who is overcompensating because I am smart and better educated than he is . . .

The problem is I don't know what else to do . . . moving up on the food chain just makes me one of them . . . going back to school would be great but how do I make the mortgage. I could chuck it all but I really kinda like where I live and I haven't finished painting the place. I want to dye my hair pink and get my lip pierced and wear doc martens everyday. (I could actually do all of those things, I do have tenure) I want to be challenged in a good way instead of the crap that I have to deal with now. I want people to be more secure in themselves so they don't have to overcompensate to try and prove they are right all the time. I want to finish this damn scarf I've started knitting and am already bored with but am too far in to rip apart.

This sucks.

Spring break is in three days.

Conferences are tomorrow. Lines of parents. Yes, Mrs. so and so, I know your son is special and unique and has great gifts but that has no effect on his grade if he doesn't turn anything in. . . ."

suck, suck, suck.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Gumby's CD

I love that the yearbook kids are calling me on their cell phone's while the substitute teacher is watching. Just for that I've burned a CD for them . . . old person music torture for tonight. Put a picture of Gumby on it and everything - since they drag that poor Gumby doll all over the room and make him signs so he can taunt the journalism weasels.

Boy, I like the word taunt today.

Grrr in the direction of Marshall Fields

So the chair I bought cannot be fixed. Bought it a month ago from Marshall Fields . . . had to take a day off of work to have it delivered. No problem, cause I got a great deal. Until it arrived with a four inch cut in the leather. So now I'm taking another day off of work to talk to the repair man . . . who can't fix it. Something about leather being just like skin (duh, it is skin) and that the cut is in the first layer (would that be the epidermus?) so he can't "glue" it. I didn't want glue on the arm of my chair anyhow.

They can just give me alot of money off (especially now after two work days - at least that's the angle I will work) or come and take it back. The trouble is . . . the rub as it were. . . is that it is a "scratch and dent" chair, me being so terribly like my father. It was on super clearance from someone not liking a special order and there is no other. I checked. Now the b.s. that the repairman "Ken" is giving me about the chairs never being in the clearance center is just that b.s. There are four other chairs just like it in a variety of colors . . . just not the color I want. And my chair, my poor broken chair, stayed on the floor for sixth months. I can see from the dutch auction tag how long it has been on the floor. So I may have to go with another chair, as much as I dearly love this one. It glides and bounces and reclines. How many things do that? AND it matches the other scratch and dent stuff I bought that day. Shit.

Taunting is not nice

So how this all started was with my yearbook students. One of them was all excited about their "live journal" - "it's so cool, I have a diary on the web and it's completely anonymous. You won't be able to find it."

It took me fifteen minutes to find her live journal (her icon was her senior pic, not hard) and then I was initiated into this weird little world, where they all comment on each others. Kind of creepy, like seeing into their heads. There are some that I check every two weeks or so . . . to see what is up with them, to see if they are on the straight and narrow. One of my former students uses my pic for his icon . . . found it on the web from the "teacher of the week" article. They know I check up on them, don't write anything they don't want everyone to know. Or write so cryptically that no one will understand.

So now I taunt my yearbook students . . . they are sickly fascinated that I might have a "live journal" but LJ is not very anonymous. Bruce is on a quest to find this . . . I teased him today. "So did you find it yet?" But then I sent him off to take pictures.

I think some of my students are planning to hang out in the yearbook room tomorrow until midnight. Harry told me that he took off work for the occasion but I'm hoping that the real reason is that his brother is in town. While I appreciate being the supervisor of a "clean teen" depot on Friday night, I would like a better caterer and maybe an espresso machine. If Starbucks could open a mini-station in my classroom that would be great . . . in that little storage room in the back that we just pile stuff in anyhow.

I know no one says this, but it's really fun to be a teacher. However, taunting the students about finding blogs is not nice . . .

Monday, March 07, 2005

So Cool

I can get to this from school. How cool is it that it isn't blocked? Not that I really want to write about anything from school instead of my comfy chair at home, but still . . .

Sunday, March 06, 2005

E harmonizing

So M and I were sitting around and decided to eharmony ourselves. M didn't have an email address without her name in it so I had to go first. Had no idea how many questions it would take to be personality profiled. So in the middle of the profile, it askes how you feel about things in terms of a relationship.

"Relationship . . . but I don't want a relationship"

M thought this was hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time, which in fact it is. Why do eharmony if you don't want a relationship? There whole advertising campaign is about "finding the right person" and then they show all those couples with their marriage dates. Yuck. What was I thinking? Where would this "right person" live? Would I have to clean my office so they could live there? So I may have washed out of eharmony. Who knew? Maybe I am sticking with this quiky alone thing.