Sunday, December 23, 2007

It Doesn't Stop Being Funny

The sisters . . . with their beavers.

My brother keeps making Chairman Mao jokes about my hat, but I didn't have power at my house this morning . . . so there was no way to blow dry. In addition to no heat. So I got ready really quick . . .

My sister complained about not being "photo ready" but this is what we look like. Notice that I have a huge head compared to my sisters. And we have opposing dimples.

And beavers. We have beavers. My brother refuses to say beaver, which is extra fun . . . during presents when I can hand Mere's to him and say "Here. Hold Mere's beaver."

Way too much fun for $5.99 x 2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No it does not stop being funny....I am almost jealous. I mean I cannot discuss my beaver in public. :(