Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Too Many Cookies?

I had a horrible dream this morning . . . when I rolled over and went back to sleep. The new alarm is too close to my head, but if I move it across the room I won't be able to see the time projected on the ceiling, which was the whole point of the thing.

Anyhow, I had a dream, one of those really lucid ones that you have in the morning. It was Halloween, and I was dressed as a school girl for some reason . . . knee socks and plaid skirt. And yes, I do have that outfit, but I wouldn't wear it for Halloween. Anyhow, I was with another female, I think my sister and for some reason we slept in my car. A very comfortable sports car. And my dad came and woke us up . . . so we could go to the party store. While in the party store, I saw some actually school-age school girls and realized that they were skipping school. Which meant that I was also skipping school.

So then I had to rush to work. Somehow I had thought we got the day off after Halloween . . . some dream logic coming into play, Halloween being on a Thursday so we must get Friday off, cause the kids are just crazy anyhow. So not being at home, cause I slept in a car, I have to go in this school girl outfit. And it turns out that a lot of people didn't show up for work, so the administration is filling in. So the personnel director is in my room. And I thought it was 8 am at the party store . . . which would mean that I'm only 4 minutes late at that point . . . but somehow it's 10 am when I get there.

So I'm dressed ridiculously . . . and two hours late . . . and no one seems all that winged out about it, except me. And when I walk into my room, there are only adults, no kids. And all the adults want to know seemingly obvious things about lettering. And at the end of class, the personnel director comes up and says, "I don't know why they didn't call anyone . . . they really should have called you."

And I woke up in a "I'm late" panic.

Maybe it's the vampire time.

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