Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And It Only Took a Half an Hour

Just went to the dentist. No cavities. Yay me.

Comment made: "Your brushing is good." (yeah, I only floss occasionally)

Because back in the day, I would have to sit for four hours in a dental chair at U of M . . . and there was the torturous (well, all of it was torture) "eat the pink candies and let's see where you missed". An exercise that was repeated until you "got it right" or your gums were bleeding so they couldn't see anymore. AND then you got to sit in the chair while they poked at you for four hours . . . and then there was the retrieving of the instructor to see what they missed. And that's if you didn't have a problem . . . like a cavity.

So I learned very quickly NOT to have cavities. Because student dentists never use enough novocaine and there is no gas in the U of M pediatric dental section. And they slip a lot . . . which means the drill? It goes into your gum. Or your cheek. Or another tooth. "Oops" they would say sheepishly. And they always assumed that you could not understand English. Even though I was eight, I could tell when someone was messing up, and I could certainly understand the instructor. And what they said to the instructor.

And now, as an adult, I just went to a dental office with a television that they move so you can watch. There are paraffin dips for your hands and ultrasonic tools so they don't have to scrape forever. Sure, it's still hurt like a b**ch. But it only took a half an hour. I didn't even figure out what was going on with the show I was watching. (something called Project Runway . . . and I know, I'm the only person in the world who hasn't bothered to watch it) I bet ya they'll even let me listen to my ipod if I ask them next time. Woo hoo! Will the wonders of modern dentistry ever cease?


Anonymous said...

Golly what an entrancing blog. Wondering how your weekend went ;)

iamthanu said...

I went to a very nice party and met enchanting people.

Thanks for inviting me.

Oh, and I have a GIANT bruise.