Thursday, September 29, 2005

Miss Jenny Cleaves

(Disclaimer: This is NOT referring to anyone specific. If you are looking for Jenny Cleaves, hit back on your brower and click on another link)
Just a story from the wickedness of last night . . .

My friend's brother evidently will make fun of her if she is showing any cleavage by calling her "cleaves" which quickly moved to "Jenny Cleaves" or "you're being a Jenny Cleaves". It is all a bit fuzzy.

So blurry story short, there was a woman last night that was having far too good a time . . . for any human being. She was having some sort of surgery at some later date, though we were never clear about what kind of surgery (come on, I'm having surgery in November and I don't think I get to have that kind of fun). There was dancing on tables and chairs and another woman kept licking the surgery lady's cleavage for the multitude of men watching . . .

I should probably state, for the record, that this was a neighborhood bar in Dearborn. There was not supposed to be any of this funny business. But in amongst the free show, the cleaves term came up.

The bar was very cool. Little neighborhood place in Dearborn which another friend suggested. Howell's bar (since 1941) . . . pretty happening for a Wednesday. And evidently, pretty hedonistic if you are having any surgery the next day.

So today at work I was an accidental Jenny Cleaves and will now relegate this Gap tank top (oooh, sparkles!) to a part of my bar wardrobe. Luckily, I wore a jacket so I was not overtly cleaves. This is what happens when I only get two hours of sleep to start the week. My judgement goes all wonky and I end up being cleaves . . .

"jenny cleaves" and "cleaves" copyright MW and CAW 2005

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