Thursday, September 08, 2005

What a Great Halloween hat

It is time to start making hats again . . .

Once upon a time, last year in fact, Princess and I were at a high school football game of some flavor or another. This was unusual because Princess loves the football and I have to take pictures of the football. It was finally cold enough to wear my favorite hat and Princess exclaims, "Oh, how nice! You're wearing your halloween hat. How festive!" I then had to inform Princess that the hat with skulls on it was my regular everyday hat . . . that I wore all winter . . . and not a hat for the holiday of Halloween.

What this leads to? It is my favorite shopping time of the year. The time of Halloween merchandise, which I then use as all year round clothing. Old Navy has wicked cool skull socks, I really should have bought two pair. I have yet to find the right bat T-shirt for the year but I know it's out there waiting for me. And one dollar bags of bats for my classroom. Always good to have things hanging off the ceiling.

Goin' to the yarn store this weekend for some red yarn. Gave away all the devil hats last year and didn't keep one for myself. Soon it will be cold enough to wear the skull sweater I made this summer. Yippee! And I should probably wash the fuzzy kitty hat. Ahh, Halloween . . . the most wonderful time of the year.

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