Friday, September 09, 2005

So Darn Busy . . .

. . . considering I have nothing to do . . .

Funny how this whole "get a life" plan is being derailed by my actual life. Haven't signed up for classes . . . remember the art class and the yoga class? Yeah, just haven't gotten to it yet. Weekend is already booked, with nothingness . . . go to Noir and get more hair dye (shudder at the amount of hair dye to keep me happy and not orangey), spend the afternoon at the union office, wrangle the mother since Mr. Crabbypants is going to Germany, make it to the yarn store before closing . . . the yuppie yarn store not the craft store. I have no use for the Michaels or Jo Ann crafts, have to go to the Yarn store for the fancy-smancy natural yarn, or "fiber" as they call it. Oh, and the presentation on Greek history and Homer that I have to prepare . . . since I just found out that none of my students have had any world history (today was . . . you know, the fallow field from Medieval times? no? well, okay, once there were these people called serfs . . . no, not surfs . . . )

Sure, I'm home on a Friday night but I just got home from a football game . . . where I smiled and waved at what seemed like a thousand students and parents. I coached my first yearbook kid (an investment, he's a sophomore) through a football game (get closer, take more shots, try to focus the camera). Luckily, he has a very good eye. Informally coached some cheerleading (it's time for the defense cheer). Me coaching cheer, ridiculous.

I'm tired . . . beat even. Have to catch up on the sleep I have missed all week. Have to sleep.

So this whole "getting a life" plan . . . I may already have too much of a life . . .


Anonymous said...

You made up the part about the cheerleaders right? Those from your past will not believe this anymore than I do--and I am the most optomistic of the bunch!!

Is it April fools, or something?

iamthanu said...

If you, oh anonymous one, are from my distant past, you know that I was once a color guard, which was like a cheerleader (for the band) just much, much geekier.

Because I did have to watch five years of football (remember the Spartan Marching episode?) I do know when you are supposed to cheer. I was actually explaining the game to some of them, since they didn't know what a "down" was. They seemed pretty clueless about when to cheer on the defense also.

So it is not April fools . . . and I have a lot of students that are cheerleaders (and they like me). Go figure. I know.