Thursday, November 10, 2005

Craftsman boyfriend

So I'm off the pain moderators . . . which is totally by choice but still kind of sucks. I just was having trouble getting out of bed. Bad thing, not getting out of bed. A lot like being depressed, so we (me and the mouse in my pocket) had to cut out the depressants. It hurts . . . and now I CARE that it hurts.

"Todd" will take the stitches out next Wednesday. I look in the mirror and tell myself that "yeah, your nose IS straighter . . . " but I don't think my nose is really any straighter. I haven't had a random bleeding incident in a day, but that will probably change as soon as I get back to school and my blood pressure spikes.

It really feels like someone scraped out my left maxillary sinus with something sharp. Oh, yeah, someone did last week.

Taking a week off of the I changed my profile and it seems to be attracting . . . well . . . the profile of my ex-boyfriend from college, who was a tool. I mean I didn't see it at the time but he was really a tool. Ask anyone who knew me at the time. And if I need tools, I'll go to Sears and buy some. So someone needs to re-write my profile, pronto!

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