Sunday, May 28, 2006

Suggestive Bunny Barrettes

In getting ready to go out yesterday . . . I found the correct bunny barrette. The one that would be right side up. It took some digging in the "hair accessory" basket, but I found it. And I found it because I knew that it would annoy Princess. I spiked up the hair. I put on a fishnet shirt under my tank top (too much skin with just the tank). I put on Birkenstocks . . . because I just couldn't do heels for Gilbert's and a Piston's game. All would be annoying to Princess though.

Evidently the shirt and Birks were all good. The barrette, of course, got comments. First there was the questioning about where I got the barrette (Target, hair accessory aisle) (Troy Target . . . all Targets have slightly different stock, according to their markets). Then there was the questioning about what I was trying to "say" with the barrette. (that I'm weird enough to wear a bunny barrette at age 35?) Princess insisted that the bunny was suggestive . . . bunny ranch, Playboy bunnies, the fact that bunnies have sex all the time (I added the last one, Princess would never say that) . . . that someone wearing the bunny barrette was a secret symbol to the world that I wanted to get laid. There was questioning about what other animal barrette came in the package (Princess already knows the answer, everyone had the same barrettes in the seventies). How the butterfly would be much less suggestive . . . (I'm not sure about that).

We didn't talk to anyone but the waiter, who wasn't particularly interested in serving us, let alone flirting with us. So evidently, the bunny barrette is more subtle than a neon sign, despite what Princess says. And I was in bed, by myself, by 11 p.m. on a Saturday.


Anonymous said...

I love bunnies. Fun times it seems.

Anonymous said...

Really, these people are way too kind! I am just looking out for you. Pretty soon TLC's "What not to Wear" will be at the school.