Friday, July 06, 2007

119 Dollars Later

One tank of gas so I could leave the house: $32

Trip to Target for a whisk, cooling rack and additional muffin pan: $25

Holiday Markup for Dutch Cocoa, Vanilla Beans, and Orange Liqueur: $62

Having lots of cupcakes with long names and a "I was stood up on a Tuesday" booze pie . . . well, not priceless, but it kept me busy.

Now someone has to come and eat this food. Expect packages on your porches. And no, they are not poisoned . . . though watch the boozy cupcakes. The icing is pretty strong . . . and they do not come out of the wrappers well. Something about the Coca-cola, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

They look yummy! I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Rum and Coke cupcakes....priceless!