Sunday, July 08, 2007

Walking the Line

There is a fine line between non-judgemental . . . and just not using judgement.

And right now, I think I'm guilty of the latter.

So I need some alone time.

And I'm not using the phone. So leave a message, IM me, or email me if you want something.

And yes, Dad, if you call . . . if I can find the phone in time . . . I'll answer it.

So there will probably be more bad cupcakes. Thank goodness I don't eat them. I just torture my siblings with them.


Anonymous said...

Just don't make ones that stick in your throat! ack! Betty Crocker Mix anyone???

Anonymous said...

Really now, I leave the state of Michigan, and you make these mysterious posts! What is that all about? Please take my call by the end of the week:)I am sure things can't be that bad.
- Princess

iamthanu said...

Mere - you'll eat my cupcakes and you'll like them . . . we're blood for God's sake. And bop-bop said that they weren't bad. So I think your standards might be too high.

Princess - things are not bad . . . just need some quiet time. Had quite the epiphany and want to stew with it for a while. I will pick you up as planned. Have fun in Cali!