Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So I was making cookies and having a conversation with God

So I was making cookies and having a conversation with the higher power which, despite being very lapsed Methodist, I do every so often.

Hands covered in chocolate cookie dough goo and powder sugar . . .

"So being sad is a choice, right? Just a choice. I could just choose not to be sad."

And I thought of all of those posters that you see in middle school. The posters that I hate. The posters that say "attitude is everything" or "positive thinking zone". I'd much rather see a Rauschenberg painting or something. Perhaps some squares by Hofmann.

But I am playing with the Zen idea of controlling your obsessions and thoughts. Controlling your thinking. Because they are just thoughts. Not reality. And therefore I can choose.

And the cookies are pretty good. And the movie Juno was fabulous.


Anonymous said...

That might be progress of a sort, I guess.

You can exert control over your emotions in two ways I think. The best way is to allow the emotion but control your response. If you actually try to control the genesis of the emotion, the chemical response to input, you run the risk of flattening your emotional dynamic range. Less down, ok, but less up as well.

And, as long as I'm being semantic... don't choose "not to be sad"; that's still framing the situation in terms of the negative. Choose instead to be happy. To be satisfied with what you have. Focus on the good. Then, as your universe expands, you can be xtra joyful at whatever improvement there is.

It isn't easy; you'll still be sad sometimes.

iamthanu said...

Okay. Way too deep. The higher power and I do not have such conversations. Ours are much more sarcastic. Caustic even.

Good advice, but not the moment I was in. If that makes any sense whatsoever. And I could deal with some flattening, albeit maybe removing some of my charm.

But thanks, smartypants. (smile)