Saturday, February 09, 2008

Maybe I'll have my Drinks in Here

As my friends roll their eyes.

Sometimes I like to find new places. My current obsession is to find a "book club" that is just far enough away from work that none of my students is my bus boy, none of my former students are my wait person, or worse, none of my former students are drinking . . . ur, um, "reading books" . . . at the table next to me, but close enough that my friends will come out. Most of my female friends live on the East Side, so it's just easier for them rather than hauling everything for book club out here. And yeah, I do live in the land of cool book clubs. But whatever, expanding my horizons.

So last night, I went to a place with the BEST bathrooms I have ever seen . . . in a book club. The paint was the same color I have in my office . . . there were real pocket doors to make up the stalls . . . there was very nice beadboard . . . and very excellent fixtures, considering the small space . . . very nice lighting, bright enough to see, yet not jarring . . . and very clean. Oh, and nice tile.

Very different from the usual bathroom experience, with the not so nice graffiti and the goo . . . or like, at the Front, which has both goo and graffiti and the extra added bonus of no sink, except for the one that is IN A STALL basically, so you have to wait for the person to get done to wash your hands. One should never wait until they really have to pee at the Front. Always go before . . . like a long car trip.

The Hardluck Lounge, in Grosse Pointe Park. I found parking. They have great bathrooms. There was a place to sit. The drinks were good . . .

I could bring Princess. And she could sit without putting down a napkin. And go to the bathroom. If they had wine, we could possibly live there.

So a good discovery, in my adventuring.


Anonymous said...

This place sounds fantastic:)
When are we going?

- Princess

iamthanu said...

I see . . . so I'm just the canary in the coalmine? I invited you last night.

Seriously, it is a pretty cool place, so we should go sometime next week. I do have all that time off for winter break (NOT) . . . so maybe Wednesday. We could go to Andiamo and then end up there for dessert martinis. We might have to get a driver, however.

Anonymous said...

I like the way you think:)Let's do it! We could always call a cab!
- Princess