Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Have Free Cats in Miami

You know you have good friends when they are willing to put you in your place once in a while. Every so often (okay, once every five minutes or so) I need to be checked. In the last few days, my friends have lived up to the challenge.

I tried to rib Princess (a.k.a. Maverick, as she now would prefer to be called) about Ohio State winning and I got a football lecture to end all football lectures. It was like she was trying to bore me to death with insults about Michigan State's poor coaching. I couldn't get away. And thus I was taught my lesson.

Now whenever I say something remotely . . . let's just say I'm distracted most of the time and have about seventeen thoughts going in my head at any given moment. Every so often something comes out of my mouth that no one but me (and possibly my family) could possibly understand. My friend M2 usually does a good job of translation but lately she's just been saying "That's going in the book . . . " I don't remember what it was yesterday. Today the comment that made M2's book entry was "I have free cats in Miami."

It all started with a conference that is located in Miami. There was discussion about how I couldn't go (no more sick days) but how I have a place to stay in Miami but you would have to like cats because my brother, he has, like, nine of them now so I can't really stay with him because I'm allergic to cats and that's just too many but if you like cats . . . I have free cats in Miami.

I'm not sure about the format of M2's book, if it's just a list of dumb things I say or if it's chapters of my freakishness. I hope I get a cut of the profits so I can stay home and paint.

I do have access to free cats in Miami. They would have to go to good homes, of course, and shipping would be extra.


Anonymous said...

Just for the record - if I had to choose, I would much rather go with Princess (ever since Tom hooked up with Katie, I've lost interest in the man).

And really, why did you even try talking football trash? That is one of the few areas I can dominate (besides the fashion zone):)
Later tater!

iamthanu said...

Princess, I have to give you shit about something once in a while . . . though I do give you shit about other things a lot. Michigan losing is just too good an opportunity . . . and it was ruined by the lecture. I learned my lesson.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the frog :) Does that make it better?