Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Act of God

As it turns out the media, they were right . . . with all their doom and snowy gloom . . . and I do have a snow day today. My mother called around 7:30 a.m. as I was dreaming about someone having stolen my couch (rather my fault, as I had moved it to a public area . . . but I thought my brother was going to watch it) and so I was dozing, waking up every so often to think, "No, my couch is still in the living room."

"YAY. Snow day! You were wrong." my mother says from the phone. I think she enjoys waking me up on snow days, as she has done it for all three. Maybe she is on Mr. Crabbypants' "don't waste the day" plan . . . or she's sadistic, I'm not sure which. She knows I'll be sleeping when she calls.

I proceed to tell her how this day off is messing up my plans for the day. The yearbook was due on Monday, but the thing the company doesn't tell you: they don't look for it until Wednesday at midnight. So I could have made the deadline and still had the "award winning yearbook" tag on this yearbook (because you get an award for being on time -- lame, but it looks good on the P.R. materials). My boss has to look over everything (we are a prior review school) and the kids, they took it to the wire. So it's still in the review stage. Plus, I'd like to teach my other students something this month . . . maybe some non-fiction terminology, the understanding of autobiography . . . something.

"Consider it an Act of God, and give it up, Emily . . ." my mother says, and I struck by how this applies to many other areas of my life. Surrender to the fates. Go limp and take it. I was never good at this. Consider it an Act of God.

So God, through this act, will allow me to work out earlier and go to the mall. I just shoveled my walk. I might try to start the truck, as I have not driven it in . . . well, a while . . . and if it doesn't start, I'll consider it an act of God too. Incredibly freeing, the act of God.

Now if I can just figure out why I took all my living room furniture to Cobo hall (actually, it looked amazingly like a warehouse) and why they only stole the couch. I remember dreaming . . . "but, I can't replace that couch . . . I got it on sale . . . " Craziness.


iamthanu said...

God told me it was alright to eat coney island too . . . as it is Valentine's day and I have no Valentine, except for Princess, but I don't think she swings that way.

hud said...

Hmmm...I had coney today, too.

And the similarities don't end there, either...

Anonymous said...

Wait...I'm Confused, What Couch are you talking about???

iamthanu said...

I had a dream about my living room furniture . . . and having some of it taken. And not being able to replace it because I got it from the Hudson's warehouse (which only has one of a kind "scratch and dent" things). So there was a waking up in a panic and then the realization that my couch is still in my living room and I was just dreaming.

iamthanu said...

And what similarities? Are you Princess' valentine too? Cause she didn't mention you at dinner.

I had to pay also, cause I lost a bet. Damnit.