Monday, June 06, 2005

Trying to be tired

Amazing what I will do to avoid grading journals . . . clean, change the sheets, rip all the CDs in the "car case", comment on some blogs . . .

The fun fair was exactly as it was when I was 12. Same games, same tickets, same prizes. It was awesome. Of course, when you are an adult, you just get to pay for the tickets and then watch your nephew burn through them. Unfortunately, I was unsure how many tickets to buy and overbought (better than underbought, I guess) so there was alittle forced ring toss toward the end. They had a new booth called "mad doctor" where you got all wrapped up in gauze and painted with fake blood. Took all my adult resolve not to participate in that one, so Z got to go twice.

I am now just tired enough to go to bed and stare at the ceiling. I broke down and turned the air conditioning on . . . and bought a dehumidifer. My basement now smells much better. Now I can have that "grotto opening" party but that will have to be another entry . . . must look at the ceiling.

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