Thursday, December 22, 2005


It is officially "Holiday" break.

It has become holiday break for three reasons . . .

First, someone made the comment "What? Are you Jewish?" in an awful sarcastic tone towards me. So for the time being, if they will adopt me, I've decided I am.

Second, there seems to be this current PC backlash (at least where I frequent) with people saying "Merry Christmas", which is totally fine, and then following it with a angry monologue about how being Christian is part of who they are and they should be able to say Merry Christmas because it's an expression of their faith and WHO THEY ARE DAMNIT. The angry monologue is not fine. I can do without the speech. Just say "Merry Christmas" and be done with it.

Third, I hang out with the social studies teachers. They even let me sit at their table these days. And four out of four social studies teachers agree (and two English teachers and two math teachers) that we work in a state run institution and there should be separation of church and state. AND that we should admit there are some other religions other than Christianity.

So it is an hour and eighteen minutes into holiday break and I've already done a load of laundry. I'm off to a great start. I'm dressed . . . I'm not hungover . . . I haven't slept past noon. All great accomplishments. I have some light plumbing plans for the week, maybe stop the toilet from running at random intervals, fix the leaky faucet in the bathtub.

The problem with light plumbing jobs is that they could very easily become MAJOR plumbing jobs . . . and major plumbing projects mean turning off the water. I like having water . . . at a moment's notice. Which is why I think so much about projects and never actually DO them. So the two goals are the faucet and the toilet . . . even if I have to buy a new toilet from Canada and sneak it over the border. (everything is low flow here . . . yes, I know it is more environmentally sound . . . but having your toilet clog all the time is not personally environmentally sound, now is it?)

So have a great holiday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bliss...Bliss...Bliss...Bliss... It is holiday break time!!!!!! Happy Holidays to you :)