Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I Still Like to Touch It

Oh, and it's the end of an era . . . I bought my first album on itunes. Takes forever to download though. Might take less time to drive to Recordtime.

It was the Neverending White Lights -- goodbye friends of the heavenly bodies . . . for those who were interested.


Anonymous said...

It is not an album if it is Itunes--vocabulary adjustment needed.

iamthanu said...

I very clearly clicked on "buy album" . . . it said it right there in itunes. :)

Anonymous said...

I would have thought you would be boycotting Apple & itunes?


iamthanu said...

Yeah, that link doesn't go anywhere. So don't know what you are talking about.

iamthanu said...

Okay, found it. You have to add a .htm to the end of the link.

And Steve Jobs did a lot of talking out of his ass about stuff he doesn't know much about. Kind of like a lot of other people I know.

And I would love to rant . . . but that would be about work. dooce rule applies.

Anonymous said...

I'll admit I know little of Dooce or her rules. But try Ray's tool's courtesy of ZeFrank.

Follow the link:


Song can be found in the side bar.

Bye bye Ze. Bye Bye.

iamthanu said...

Hilarious . . .

again, folks, you have to add a .html to the link.