Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Haven't you ever seen . . .

Just paid all of my bills . . . and am now having a panic attack about parent teacher conferences. I know it will be fine but I have to panic about something. It may just be . . . gasp . . . PMS.

I've been terribly overdramatic lately, especially about boys. And now that "Sex in the City" is on every channel, all day . . . in addition to watching it myself, people keep giving me advice they have seen on "Sex in the City" while saying "don't you watch 'Sex in the City'?" I either have to watch less of it . . . or more, I'm not sure.

Spent way too much money on shoes to be paying bills this evening, speaking of Carrie Bradshaw. Oh, and only consumed, like, 900 calories today. How's that for an eating disorder statement? On the shopping disorder front, I bought a slipcover for my couch (downstairs) which I don't even need, but it was too good a deal to pass up. And I still have to buy moonpies at Costco tomorrow and maybe a suitcase. I need a suitcase right? People in their thirties should have a "real" suitcase to use instead of the one they bought at Walmart for $10? So there's another $100 bucks out the door.

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