Thursday, October 13, 2005

Magical Thinking

There is this lovely passage in Augusten Burroughs' Magical Thinking, from the story of the same name, about how Mr. Burroughs believes in the Baby Jesus and his pet cow. Not Augusten's pet cow but the Baby Jesus' pet cow. It's a hilarious passage, which I will quote when I get the book back . . . because I lent it out immediately.
Anyhow, I had to picture petting the cow today . . . evidently if you are friendly to the Baby Jesus' cow, he will do you favors (or the cow will do you favors) but somehow creating the image in my head of the Baby Jesus and a cow AND walking up and petting the cow, was somewhat soothing. Let it go . . . just pet the cow . . .

So when I'm muttering later about petting the cow, you'll all know what I mean.

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