Sunday, October 16, 2005

One of Those Girls

I've become one of "those" girls . . . my sister pointed out as I quoted the calorie counts for soy lattes versus non-fat milk lattes. The girls who only order chicken caesar salads. The girls who share dessert three (or eight) ways. The girls who say, "Oh, I couldn't possibly eat that." Those girls.

My grandmother was one of "those" girls. She never finished a meal while eating with other people. She never ate dessert. She was constantly complaining about her weight (and my weight, and my father's weight . . . come to think of it). With the lipstick obsession (lipstick was always reapplied after eating, it was often checked at random intervals), the food obsession was just annoying. Plus my grandmother always ordered the salad with fried chicken fingers . . . it just didn't make sense.

And now I'm looking up the calories on the internet for my daily crack, I mean soy, latte from Starbucks. I check my lipstick. I try to walk everyday. And I do feel better about myself. But still . . . so don't want to be one of "those" girls . . . eehwoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if we can get an update on your shopping. Since you are one of "those girls" I wondered how that would be effected.