Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Scar of Grape Jelly

The grape jelly is now just a scar imbedded with glass . . . someone cleaned up the majority (curious dog? wandering jelly-eating cat? did the squirrels gather it up?) so now it just looks like a weird scar on the sidewalk.

Today was one of those "kinda awful, everything is just going wrong enough to be annoying" days. There was an accident on the freeway so I sat in first gear for twenty minutes for nothing . . . I hate it when I get to the accident and it's dumb, just a smashed fender. So almost late for work because no one would move the dented car.

Then Starbucks was out of soy milk AGAIN (see previous) and I was pissed off enough to mutter the word "again?" within hearing of the speaker, which caused a panic in the Starbucks for some reason. Maybe they recognized my voice? So then the Starbucks lady felt that she had to explain, repeatedly, that there was something about Roseville and soy, and no matter how much they ordered they always ran out. I pointed out that soy didn't go bad . . . at least not that quickly, so they could really just order an extra two cases and if it was too much it would keep. All this while later to work than I should be . . .

Then I had to punch my "key card" in the door . . . thus leaving the record that I walked into the building at 7:49 which is one minute late. The teacher before me at the copier couldn't figure out how the thing worked and so recopied the same document several times. So many tries were had at making a double sided document, without staples, that I gave up and just went to my room and wrote what I needed on the board.

Then the whole "will you set up this meeting" exercise, which is like, I don't know, putting one, two . . . eight cats in the same bag. "I can't go Friday or Tuesday and so and so is only available on the second Tuesday of the full moon." Arrgh! If I were a pirate, I wouldn't have to have meetings.

Then I went to Marshall Fields with the coupons . . . and found NOTHING. Not even underwear. There was nothing good to buy at Marshall Fields. No wonder they need coupons.

Now I have to pay bills. Yuck. And I should clean the bathroom. Double yuck, with a side of yuck.

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