Friday, April 01, 2005

New Questions

I have some new questions for Eharmony . . . I'm sure the eharmony people will appreciate my help in this department.

Emily’s essential questions (inspired by the inane questions of eharmony)
Emily's answers are in purple

What kind of car do you drive? I have two - a Dakota and a Neon
Do you have any bumper stickers, paintings or car augmentations? If so, what are they? No. The neon has stripes but it came to me that way. I'm a teacher so bumper stickers help with identification = possibly keyed car/truck.
You’re going somewhere . . . what do you wear? What I have on.
Home Depot or Lowes? Tough question, depends on what I'm looking for . . . Home Depot for nuts and bolts stuff, Lowes is sometimes fancier especially in the organizational department. I spend more time at HD.
Do you trust that new cold water Tide? Not really. Could be regular everyday Tide in a different bottle.
What do you own on vinyl? Too much to list here. Hightlights: Bauhaus glow-in-the-dark Bela Lugosi's dead picture disk, Smiths, really old Ministry single, Shriekback - Oil and Gold
Apple or PC? Unfortunately, hooked on PC - I know it is not the industry standard but I like them.
Easter (or Christmas, Passover, etc) is a time when . . . The Easter bunny comes.
Where do they put the good clearance at Target? Back endcaps. Sometimes mixed in with normal stock.
Do you own any clothing that your mother would call "paint clothes"? Pretty much all of it.
If your DVR is broken, Alias or West Wing? Alias
When painting a room, tape or free-hand? Free-hand
Where do you buy house paint? Where do you pick out the colors? Always Sears brand and I pick out the colors from Home Depot, Ralph Lauren usually, but then I always bring it to Sears.
Pottery barn or Crate and Barrel? Crate and Barrel
When changing motor oil, what brand? Mobil One
How important is tire pressure? According to my father, the "tire savant" very important. Keep on top of it so he does not yell about tires. Also rotate them pretty regularly to also avoid the tire yelling.
What is your opinion about the state’s current motorcycle helmet law? If people want to crack their skulls on the pavement, I say let them . . . as long as I do not have to pay for them to live in a vegatative state. I personally will always wear a full face because I paid for some of the orthodontics.
When making a cast out of plaster, what is your preferred release or"non-stick" agent? 1st dishsoap, then vaseline - for people always vaseline
What does WTF mean? What the F&*k
How many pens do you have in the room you are sitting in? approximately 40, plus some car touch up paint, a tire gauge and a palm tire with monkey made out of pipe cleaners that I got with a drink once.
What is Utrecht? a kick bleep art supply store
When replacing an outlet, do you hot-wire or go turn off the circuit breaker? my brother hot wires them but he is better at it than I am, I get nervous so I turn off the circuit breaker. Evidently, if you don't touch the wires, you're good - but I'm not that good.
Sketchbooks – for sketches, notes or both? both
What would your screen icon be at this moment? One of the girls from Sin City or Godzilla
What is the most unusual thing in your living room? Handmade steel crown that I found in someone's yard while visiting New Orleans - vampire teeth in jar also from NOLA

Please comment if I should add any more . . .


Anonymous said...

Hey - that was my answer to the Home Depot vs. Lowe's question! Although I think I'm going to buy the tiles for my kitchen floor at Home Depot because they have this black and white geometric stuff that makes me happy. (Actually, the Armstrong flooring site ALLEGES that the Home Depot has it, but they don't, so I perhaps will have to kick and scream.) Speaking of kicking and screaming, you know what's fun? Home Depot with a 9-month-old . . .

iamthanu said...

The Finnegan does not like the HD? How could he not? So many dangerous things to put in your mouth at the HD . . . you were being good and not letting him, weren't you?

Anonymous said...

No, the real problem with the Home Depot is that nobody flirts with babies in the Home Depot, not even criminally-cute red-haired babies who shamelessly make eyes at everyone who walks by. Evidently they rescind your Y chromosome and your drill bits break if you talk to babies in the Home Depot. In the grocery store, however, everyone stops to talk with the baby, and therefore he's happy but it takes a looong looong time to shop. Ice cream melts, meats expire; it's not pretty.

iamthanu said...

Yes, I would assume that you would avoid talking to babies in Home Depot unless you were very secure in your manhood. As for the grocery store . . . I try to avoid talking to anyone, so meat will not spoil on my account.

Got Finnegan a present . . . early birthday I guess or an "I'm sorry no one will talk to you in Home Depot" present. Can't wait until you come. Maybe Finnegan should bring his hammer to Home Depot . . . men can talk about hammers, like, all day long.