Saturday, December 02, 2006


I had three things to do this morning . . . and none of them are done. I did just manage to get some socks on, so forward progress.

Had accidental plans last night. Have plans for early afternoon (Harps with a friend . . . so more not touching the bras), early evening (Noel Night) and evening. Then I have to wake up at an reasonable hour tomorrow so we can change the brakes on my car. (unlike this morning, where I woke up at a reasonable hour but didn't get out of bed) (cold day, blankets and duvet . . . good.) And I can not be crabby for the brake changing, because my brother is doing it and not charging me a dime . . . and brakes, they're important. You want them to work when you are operating a motor vehicle. So sunshine and friendliness tomorrow. Smiling and ready to hand over the correct wrench thingy.

Have to back to Somerset and return things that are the wrong size. Last time I listen to the saleswoman at Soma. "Oh no, you definitely want a size ____" which wasn't the size I already have. But Somerset has three Starbucks, which would not be all that bad a thing to ingest right now.

And I shouldn't be this overscheduled on a weekend. It's making my stomach kinda tight . . . or that might be the not eating yet. (And no, those who read this. I do want to go to all the fun this weekend, just didn't expect the sleeping in . . . and now have to catch up.)

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