Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Plan

My sister just called for "the Plan" . . . and she's on the road from K-zoo, so won't be able to see it.

Here it is, from this moment forward:

Charge i-pod.
Charge phone.
Think about if I have any other random electronic devices to charge.
Brush teeth.
Curl eyelashes.
Put on make-up . . . but probably just mascara.
Wrap at least two presents.
Just frustrated with wrapping.
Put on shoes.
Find jacket.
Look outside.
Wonder if I can switch cars, or if the Neon will get stuck in the mud.
Go for it and switch cars.
Go get coffee.
Wonder why everyone has to be at Starbucks when I want to be at Starbucks.
Buy book for Mere. (Amy Sedaris, "I like you" . . . shhh, don't tell.)
Go to Pitaya and look at shirts.
Leave before two hour free parking is up.
Go to Target and get photos printed.
Get disgusted with Target photo department.
Go to Costco.
Marvel at how busy Costco is.
Get photos printed.
Come home.
Put photos in frames.
Wrap frames.
Get angry phone call from mother because I didn't go to Stately Wayne Manor.
Consider going to Stately Wayne Manor to paint cookies.

That takes me to 7 pm or so. Will let you know after that.

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